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2024-12-14 06:30:46

Looking at it for a long time, every bull market callback is just an episode. People who can make a lot of money in the bull market must be those who firmly believe in the bull market and buy good stocks at a low valuation, not those who chase high prices. Hold shares patiently until the end of the bull market, but don't be too greedy. The principle is not to make the last copper coin.Those who can make a lot of money in the bull market must be ruthless!Those who can make a lot of money in the bull market must be ruthless!

Although I don't know when the bull market will end, there will always be some clues to be found, such as trading volume and mood. If the wind direction is wrong, just clear the position immediately and earn the profits you know.

Looking at it for a long time, every bull market callback is just an episode. People who can make a lot of money in the bull market must be those who firmly believe in the bull market and buy good stocks at a low valuation, not those who chase high prices. Hold shares patiently until the end of the bull market, but don't be too greedy. The principle is not to make the last copper coin.Looking at it for a long time, every bull market callback is just an episode. People who can make a lot of money in the bull market must be those who firmly believe in the bull market and buy good stocks at a low valuation, not those who chase high prices. Hold shares patiently until the end of the bull market, but don't be too greedy. The principle is not to make the last copper coin.Looking at it for a long time, every bull market callback is just an episode. People who can make a lot of money in the bull market must be those who firmly believe in the bull market and buy good stocks at a low valuation, not those who chase high prices. Hold shares patiently until the end of the bull market, but don't be too greedy. The principle is not to make the last copper coin.

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